miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Site validation

In our 3rd Assessment Session, our teacher asked us to validate a site-
Doing so was both exciting and interesting, as we found ourselves analizing many sites we thought would be trustworthy, and finally, we found they were not... So, pals, be careful when looking for info!!!!!

Assessment Session 3
Validating a Web Site
Learners´names: Girolimini, Lucía
                            Rocchi Turrillo, Karina
Facilitator´s name: Mrs. Gladys Baya
Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/help/faq/history.htm

1) & 2)We chose to look for websites referring to the Origins of the English Language. Therefore, we thought it most convenient to refer to the Merriam-Webster site.
Being Merriam-Webster one of the authorities in the field of the language, we thought the information and contents provided would be accurate enough.
We can corroborate the authenticity of the said site by looking at the logo, the credentials referring to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the accuracy of the vocabulary which is definitely related to the topic, and the URL.
3)As regards objectivity, we both thought the vocabulary used in the present site is as free from bias as it can be, because the topic is inherently related to facts and the few ads which appear are strongly related to teaching languages and technological appliances sponsored by Merrian-Webster.
4) There are no dead links in the present page, and this tells us that the site is regularly updated and looked at.
5) There is no special software fees required to have access to the present page.

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